Cannabis and cannabinoids safely and effectively augment this naturalhomeostatic system bringing vast therapeutic opportunities to medicine".


We in Australia are so far behind the pack it's like we're winning the race, but we are not. That reminds about the Scotsman that dropped a coin, bent down to pick it up and it hit him in the back of the neck. It's a bit like that.

I've been patiently waiting when maybe I should have been shouting at the government for the truth to be told. I've been waiting for results of cannabis trials in Australia that are futile, just fluff to placate the masses who want the government to allow medical cannabis and just legalise cannabis in general, admit it's a safer alternative to tobacco and alcohol.

Sick people are suffering and dying NOW, not tomorrow. Cannabis is a benign substance that have been used in it's botanical form for centuries, actually thousands of years.

I'm so tired of constantly correcting ignorance and I know that sounds very arrogant, but when I hear prominent figures spout rubbish I have to say something.

  "Listen, you're ingesting smoke, so that's not usually a very positive thing that people would say. It does have addictive nature. There are a lot of compounds in marijuana that may not be healthy for the players long-term."

    Roger Goodell Commissioner of the National Football League

What Roger says is true to some extent; smoking anything creates carcinogens which is not a "positive thing"  BUT...... cannabis does not need to be smoked, using a convection type vapouriser (a good one) one can extract the cannabinoids from the cannabis without burning the botanicals and creating carcinogens.
Vapourisers have some other great advantages;

1) they don't produce offensive smoke smell that clings to everything like your clothes etc, it's a vapour not smoke.

2)The taste is far more pure and enjoyable.

3)Titration is possible, take one inhalation or two, until the necessary effect is achieved. This is an advantage over something ingested.

I mention the titration because cannabis edibles can be a hit and miss affair, not that cannabis has ever killed anyone in the past 1000 years. Can't say that about many pharmacuetical drugs!

To be realistic, Football or any similar contact sport is far more crippling than cannabis, fact.

So maybe we should ban football, boxing, fighting, or anything with the word "extreme" in front of it. Maybe we should also avoid driving, very dangerous!

So Roger, what you said sounds very caring in regards to your NFL players, but the reality is the game you promote is way more deadly than cannabis.

And finally we speak of ADDICTION; We could fill a few books with this subject.
Yes, cannabis could be seen as addictive as could many other substances such as coffee, tea, alcohol and many other medicines.
I think it really depends on the level of pain a person has and whether it's a chronic disease or temporary trauma.

From a scientific perspective, cannabis is the least addictive and safest medicine on earth, that's if you believe Prof David Nutt British psychiatrist and neuropsychopharmacologist

So Roger, I suggest you allow the NFL players to choose the medicine that works best for them, get them to sign a waiver.
Or maybe they should take up badminton? it's a lot safer!

article by Bob Darley