Cancer: No evidence linking smoking cannabis to increased cancer risk associated with tobacco use.

Heart Attack: Some evidence suggesting cannabis smoking may trigger a heart attack. More research needed to determine risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Respiratory Disease: Regular smoking of cannabis associated with more frequent chronic bronchitis episodes, chronic cough and phlegm production. Unclear if cannabis use linked to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma.

Mental Health: Likely to increase risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses and social anxiety disorders. Also increases risk of developing depression. Heavy users more likely to report suicidal thoughts than non-users.

Psycosocial: Learning, memory and attention impaired after immediate cannabis use but limited evidence suggesting such impairments continue after the cessation of smoking cannabis.

Listen what this Emeritus Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School says about the correlation between cannabis and schizophrenia.

