Once again, terminal cancer has been treated with cannabis oil[1]—against a doctor’s advice. A Scottish woman named Lynn Cameron was told she only had six months to live because of her “incurable” brain tumor. Fortunately, Lynn did research of her own and realized there was another option. That’s when she was forced to break the law and seek alternative treatment in order to survive. She reported cured her terminal cancer with cannabis oil[2], adding to the anecdotal evidence in favor of weeds healing power.

Lynn’s Diagnosis

In 2013, Lynn was diagnosed with a stage 4 terminal brain tumor and given traditional surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments. However, nothing was working, and doctors gave her between six and 18 months to live. She began researching what to do and decided to eliminate sugar and processed foods.

Lynn’s next discovery was the claimed healing powers of cannabis oil a shot. She was scared of getting in trouble. Not to mention she was skeptical as to whether or not it would work because of how far along her cancer was. However, she had nothing to lose and it ended up saving her life.

“A good friend suggested cannabis, but I was too scared because it’s illegal. I also found it hard to believe that it would cure brain cancer so advanced,” Lynn told the Daily Record[3].

Cannabis Oil Cures Lynn’s Cancer

Lynn started to take cannabis oil under her tongue because it gets straight to the bloodstream that way. The oils effectiveness was evident from her first few brain scans.

“Each scan I received after that was showing an improvement,” she said. “I had been told that chemotherapy and radiotherapy doesn’t make much difference, so I knew it must be the cannabis doing it. By the sixth MRI, the cancer had gone.”

The doctors treating her had no idea that she was using cannabis oil until they reviewed the results. She asked them about cannabis but they dismissed it. They even told Lynn “eat whatever you like, take all the vitamins you want, it won’t work.”

“It was up to me what treatment I took,” she said, “and I’m glad I researched it.”

Lynn cured her terminal cancer with cannabis oil, proving doctors wrong. Since then, she has become a member of the Medical Cannabis Reform Scotland group. Their mission is to push “for the reform of the current prohibitive laws around the use of cannabis for medication.”

Lynn’s story had a happy ending, but many people with terminal cancer don’t know that cannabis is really an option. Not to mention, they may have no access to it because of laws prohibiting its use and distribution.


  1. ^ cannabis oil (hightimes.com)
  2. ^ cured her terminal cancer with cannabis oil (hightimes.com)
  3. ^ Daily Record (www.dailyrecord.co.uk)

Read more http://hightimes.com/news/report-woman-cures-terminal-cancer-with-cannabis/