U.S. Drug Problem Is Not Just Opiates—We Are Over-Prescribed Everything

Saturday was “National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.” For four hours, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., Americans could take a bottle or a bag full of unwanted prescription medication and hand it over to local law enforcement, no questions asked. 

The pills were then handed over to the DEA for safe disposal—and quantification of...

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How to Make Your Own DIY Canna-Face Mask

Move over Max Huber, and look out La Mer, cannabis, not sea kelp, is now the coveted beauty treatment of choice.

Cannabinoid receptors exist throughout the skin, making your epidermis a perfect entry point for THC absorption. THC—the main psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana—is actually an antioxidant. When applied on the skin, it...

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Don't watch your loved ones die like I did, in silence

winged weed

In the past year I watched two loved ones die from cancer, I watched them go through the motions like most in their situation, take the chemo and do exactly what the doctors prescribe, I kept quiet about the healing powers of cannabis because I knew they wouldn't believe what I had to say.

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Football Way More Deadly Than Cannabis

roger goodell

"The elucidation of the endocannabinoid system, eCB system, is the greatest discovery in medicine and biology since Watson and Crick characterized DNA and the double helix over 50 years ago. The eCB system modulates and protects the body in all animals throughout the animals kingdom except insects from hydra to humans.

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